

PyroLog is an effective but also a simple log cleaner. This is a tool that can be used to clear your tracks as a pen-tester or just clean a computer. PyroLog is currently only available on Linux and requires python3.


(No dependencies)

Help Menu

usage: [-h] --method METHOD --scope SCOPE [OPTIONS]

Required options:
  -h, --help       Show this help message!
  --method METHOD  Select a method to use. Available methods:
                   1. delete    | Permanently deletes target/log files;
                   2. clear     | Fills target/log files with null values. Files themselves remain;
  --scope SCOPE    Select the removal scope. Format: "option,option".
                   Available options:
                   1. all       | Select all of the options (Dangerous);
                   2. files     | Use the wordlist with common log files;
                   3. dirs      | Select a wordlist of directories to recursively remove files in;
                   4. custom    | Select a custom wordlist, or include/exclude files from the default lists;
                   5. home      | Remove predefined history/log files in home directories;

Custom wordlist options:
  -af PATH         Append extra log/target files to the set wordlist.
  -ad PATH         Append extra log/target directories to the directory list.
  -rf PATH         Remove specific log/target files from the wordlist.
  -rd PATH         Remove specific log/target directories from the directory list.
  --loglist PATH   Use a custom wordlist of logfiles to clear.
  --dirlist PATH   Use a custom wordlist of directories to clear.

Basic usage:

sudo --method clear --scope all